Make my makefile

Other Interesting Projects

Here are some projects that I have made or think are interesting.

Bitty HTTP

A small embedded web server for a thread / diskless systems. Web / REST service pages are served from the C/C++ code directly instead of having to access the disk.

Check out the Bitty HTTP web site.


This is an experimental program for allowing you to embed HTML directly into you C/C++ code. This is similar to the way PHP works.

You start in HTML mode and when the WebC compiler hits a <?wc it switches to C/C++ code. When you put a ?> it switches back to HTML code.

For example if you start with:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        int r;
            wcecho("Hello world!<br/?>");
You then use the WebC compiler to convert this into normal C code. Compile with your compiler and you have HTML mixed with your code.

Check out the WebC web site.